Oct 27, 2008


A spider was quietly spinning his web near the bed of grandmother. Every day she watched as the spider worked at making it's web. Several days later the grandson came in and saw that the grandmother was looking at a spider. He picked something up and went towards the spider to kill it. Grandmother stopped him and said, "No, do not kill Iktome . Do not hurt him. The boy thought his grandmother was silly but respected her wishes even though she would not tell him why he should not kill the spider.
After the boy left grandmother returned to watching Iktome. Then the spider spoke,"Thank you. For days you have watched me work hard when spinning my web and you have obviously enjoyed watching my work. In return for saving my life I wish to give you something. In the full moon light I shall spin you a web in the window. Watch how I weave the web and learn, for the web I weave will catch all bad dreams and energies, entangling them in the web. The small hole in the middle will allow good dreams and energies to pass through to you. When the full moon came grandmother sat at the open window and watched Iktome weave the magical web. Near dawn Iktome finished the web. Grandmother smiled as she looked at the weaving, she thanked the spider for giving her such a wonderful gift. As she drifted off to sleep she heard the spider say, "Learn".
The gratitude and love of grandmother and Iktome touched the hearts of the ancestors and they added something to Iktome's gift as grandmother slept. As the morning came beautiful dew drops formed on the web and the gentle breeze of sister wind blew small dove feathers to dance lightly at the bottom of the webbing. Raven placed a long feather on the sill. As grandmother opened her eyes, Father Sun shown on the web and made the dew drops sparkle in the light.

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